NOTICE: Postponement sine
die of 1st ICSGE
Although LNEC planned to organize the First
International Conference on Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering on 27-30
june 2021, the Organizing Committee regrets to announce this official
notice regarding the postponement sine die of the 1st ICSGE due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. As soon as conditions allow, the new date of the 1st ICSGE
will be announced.
LNEC kindly ask all speakers, authors and sponsors to
participate in the rescheduled 1st ICSGE, and looks forward to welcome you in
The 1st ICSGE Organizing Committee
Call for abstracts
Abstract submission: 15th May 2020
The National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) is pleased to announce that the 1st International Conference on Sustainability in Geological Engineering, ICSGE, will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 27th to 30th June 2021. LNEC invites you to participate in ICSGE.
Key dates
to be announced
Abstract submission
to be announced
Notification of abstract acceptance
to be announced
Full paper submission (deadline)
to be announced
Notification of paper acceptance
to be announced
Final paper submission
to be announced
Conference dates
LNEC . Institutional Presentation
The National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil – LNEC), established in 1946, is a public research institution, devoted to science and technology, with the status of state Laboratory.
The basic missions of LNEC are to contribute to the pursuit of the public policies and to provide expert support to the public authorities in the various Public administration sectors, particularly in what concerns the quality and safety of works, the protection and re-qualification of both natural and built heritage, as well as the technological upgrading and innovation, namely in the building construction sector.
The organization structure of this institution comprises 8 operative services that correspond to its major lines of activity, namely: Geotechnics department; Concrete Dams department; Buildings department; Structures department; Hydraulics and Environment department; Materials department; Transportation department; and Scientific Instrumentation Centre.